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difuze achieves Dolby Atmos certification

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difuze strengthens its presence in sound post-production with Dolby Atmos certification for theatrical release

difuze converts its largest sound mixing studio to Dolby Atmos for theatrical release 

Montréal, June 20th, 2024 – difuze, Canada’s largest provider of finishing, localization, accessibility, and media services to the Canadian and international industry, is pleased to announce that it has achieved Dolby Atmos certification for theatrical release through the conversion of its largest sound mixing studio in Montréal.

By offering its clients a Dolby Atmos theatrical studio for film production, difuze strengthens its position as a major player in sound post-production. Equipped with 42 speakers and a 21-foot screen, in the equivalent of a commercial movie theatre, difuze’s Dolby Atmos theatrical sound mixing studio is a testament to the company’s ongoing commitment to providing its clients with state-of-the-art services and solutions.

With its innovative sound spatialization technology, Dolby Atmos is revolutionizing the way sound is created, mixed and broadcasted, delivering a rich audio experience that puts the viewer at the center of the action. At difuze, directors, supervisors, designers and sound mixers can now bring their vision to life in the most immersive way possible.

“We are very excited about integrating the Dolby Atmos theatrical technology into one of our studios,” said François Deschamps, president of difuze. “Dolby Atmos theatrical mixing has been trending for some time, and we’ve seen a sharp increase in requests for this type of mixing, so it seemed like a natural progression for us to offer this service to our clients.”

“Dolby Atmos offers unprecedented creative freedom,” adds Stéphane Bergeron, Original Sound Mixer at difuze. “It’s a technology that allows to create three-dimensional soundscapes that completely immerse the viewer and open up extraordinary possibilities in terms of artistic expression and storytelling”. difuze’s Dolby Atmos theatrical studio is available now.

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